Day Job

As you know, I work for special interests. I work to influence Federal policy, as well as print and electronic media coverage for these special interests. According to both major candidates for the highest office in the land, I am as cool as cancer and the reason for everything wrong in this great country.

I try not to take it too personally.

Here's a little behind the scenes footage from the RNC Convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul.

Four Winds Fun

21 years ago, this last July, your author and 213 native, met the woman who would become his wife. Your author remembers clearly. His bride....not so much.
That said, for your viewing pleasure, we bring you the next generation running around an island in the sound.

Cute Cousin Christmas Card...Check

Sometimes it is best to just focus and get 'er done. I am referring, of course, to the subtle art that is Family Christmas Card Photography. Such piercing wisdom is never more true than when the subjects, of said Christmas Card, have a combined age under 30. Above is but a sampling of the creative process.

Less Zen...

While admitedly less Zen no less fulfilling

More Zen

Intoxicating really. Feel free to sit back and enjoy the

Your moment of Zen

While travel to the east of Sunset Blvd was frowned upon, North and West was considered admirable, provided a view like the attached was available.

Fatherly Advice cont'd.

Ironically enough his Father has opined that there was no reason to go east of Robertson Blvd. He too disregarded that advice...But kept west of Sunset Blvd.

Fatherly Advice

My Father once opined, rather emphatically, that there was no need to ever go east of Sunset Blvd. I have, of course, disregarded this advice.